How can you live happily? What do you need to live a happy life?

How can you live happily? What do you need to live a happy life?

How can you live happily? What do you need to live a happy life?
How can you Live happy


How to live happyHappiness is subjective. What one person finds joyful,      someone else may find dull or overwhelming.You can only be responsible for happiness inside your own mind and heart. When you feel a sense of joy related to your passions, release them freely and don't think about outside opinions or praise. 

    You want to share moments of happiness with others and maintain those moments of happiness; it is important not to succumb to the joys of happiness. It would be nice if you could limit other people's joy and sadness and only experience your own joy and sadness. If you had this ability, then you would be happy with how the world works. But school deans can force you to wake up at 5 AM or force you to eat specific foods. These rules by school deans are similar to laws that governments put on each citizen. When a government says "you have to give us 20 percent of your income each year," that is very similar to a school dean saying "you have to go into class at 8:00 AM." But the laws passed by a government are much more convenient for an individual because the government has guns, jails, and other weapons. Therefore, most individuals will not protest for freedom and will live their lives without complaining about what the government does. You are the one that decides whether you are happy or unhappy; you control your fate. You control whether you will be a pleasant person or an unpleasant person. This is something only you can decide. 

    You will never be in total control of everything that happens in your life- And it should not. As long as you are living with other people, nothing will ever be perfect. And even if you have machines helping you with everything, eventually they will malfunction and treat you badly as well. It is best to pursue a pleasant life rather than a perfect one. For pleasantness, we have many names (peace, happiness, bliss, etc.), and for unpleasantness (tension, anxiety, fear, etc.) too. No matter what you call it - the two aspects of life are inseparable and are part of everyday life. 

    The whole world is looking up. Glance at your watch. Are you looking up? You are always off, always going for things in the wrong direction. Probably Greenwich Mean Time, the one time you saw might have been right but the rest of the time you are not right. Lifestyle isn't about the location. It's more about one's self understanding and thoughts. In this cosmic space, is there anyone who knows what is above and who is below? anyone know? Hmm? It doesn't matter where you are or where you come from. The important thing is to know where you're going. You cannot be what you want to be if you don't act how you want to act. Do you know who are the people in your life who mean something to you ? Who is your family, who aren't your brother and sister but care for you as same as I mentioned above ? 

    I am here, you are there. I am your neighbor, you are my brother. We are all connected to each other and the earth. Our senses may inform us of this presence. Yet, because we are all connected, what we do affects each other both positively and negatively. When you help others grow and flourish, you grow and flourish too. When you hurt others, you hurt yourself. This is the unity that we all share in the universe." You don't know what's up and what's down. It's all just a cycle of light and dark. You think you're going to be around forever? Because that's what your eyes tell you But the truth is, you'll vanish. It doesn't matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you exist on your own. Deep inside, you know this is the case . We may not realize it consciously, but we all have experienced everything from within ourselves . Inside the darkness of our mind . Your life is an illusion. 

    Your experience of life is entirely within your control. If you are unhappy, it is because of what you think and how you react. You may not yet be conscious of how to change these things, but the solution is to take charge of your own life and change what you think when you feel unhappy or discouraged.


    Question -: What is it to live a Happy Life ?
    Answer -: Happiness is a unique daily blend of inspiration, community,                                     entertainment and self-improvement.

    Question -: How can I live my best life ?
    Answer -:  Live in present moment . 

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